Swallowtails in Western North America can be broken down into the thoas group (giant swallowtails), machaon group (old world swallowtails), indra complex (Papilio indra complex), glaucus group, (tiger swallowtails) pipevine swallowtails (Battus philenor,) and parnassians.
Both the indra complex and machaon group swallowtails feed on parsleys. The thoas group feed principally on citrus, the glaucus group feeds on trees such as willows, cottonwoods, aspens, choke cherries, service berries, buckbrush, etc., and the pipevine swallowtails feed on...you guessed it--pipevine.
Host Plant Identification
This page shows a sampling of photographs of some documented larval host plants of the butterflies of Utah and beyond. This section is incomplete. However, for an alphabetical listing of all host plants used on this website, click here.
Brushfooted butterflies of the large genus Nymphalidae include anglewings and tortoiseshells, admirals, checkerspots, crescentspots, ladies, buckeyes and a host of other tribes. They use a large number of plant species as larval hosts and mainly overwinter as larvae.