Butterfly Habitat > Mountain Canyons
Rock Canyon, Provo, Utah
Nestled just to the East of the Provo, Utah LDS Temple and Northeast of Brigham Young University, Rock Canyon offers a wide variety of activities for naturalists from rock climbing to collecting butterflies and moths. Rock Canyon is a dry canyon with males of many species of butterflies patrolling up and down the dry wash and nearby road. More.
Center Canyon, Wasatch County, Utah
Located on the north side of US Hwy 189 roughly 15 miles southeast of Heber City, Utah, is this small canyon. It is a gorgeous area which has several species of blues, fritillaries, swallowtails, and other butterflies
Yellow Pine Campground, Alpine County, Wyoming
Located just southeast of Laramie, Wyoming, Yellow Pine Campground (Happy Jack Recreation Area) is a great place to find butterflies; including the julia orangetip in late May through June.
Jackass Creek, Sweetwater Mts, Douglas County, Nevada
Located in Western Nevada, Jackass Creek is a pristine canyon located roughly 50 miles southwest of Lake Tahoe. Butterflies that can be found in this habitat include the sara orangetip, wheeler's variable checkerspot, field crescent, common white, desert marble, and others.
Queen Lily Campground, North Fork Feather River, Plumas County, California
Queen Lily Campground is located roughly 25 miles Northeast of Chino, California in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. It has been designated as the type locality (the orignal location where species are scientifically described) for the sara orangetip and pale swallowtail. More.
Cedar Canyon Campground, Iron County, Utah
Cedar Canyon Campground is a nice place to find Speyeria hesperis chitone in mid-July.
Fairview Campground, Sherman Pass Road, Tulare County, California
Well-recognized area where Ken Davenport has lead many field trips.
Farmington Canyon, Davis County, Utah
For more information on Farmington Canyon, please click here.